
Audrey-Saurus & Audrey- Sauro
Illustrated by: Laura Mocelin
Audrey-Saurus stomps to the beat of her own drum. She’s spirited, silly, and totally obsessed with dinosaurs. She loves to wear her sunglasses upside down, shoo monsters away with fly swatters, and negotiate when she isn’t quite getting her way. Join her as she adventures her way through her day, and does things exactly her own way! Audrey is my real-life dino-loving 2-year-old daughter. “Umbrellas? Who needs one” Stomping in the rain is MUCH more fun!” -Audrey-Saurus

Each of Us
Illustrated by: Lady Bruniere
Each of Us is a story about diversity, friendship, and inclusion. It celebrates the families, cultures, languages, food, and traditions of 5 families that were brought together by the friendships between their daughters. My 6-year-old daughter, and her real-life friends, inspired me to write this book. “Our families come from different countries, cook different foods, celebrate holidays in different ways and speak different languages, and that’s just the way we like it! We are proud of what makes each of us unique.”-Each of Us

The Memory Keepers
Illustrated by: Laura Mocelin
Mia and Ann are young girls who have lost their grandparents to Alzhemier’s. Instead of focusing on loss, they focus on all the ways they now keep the memories for their Grandpa and Mimi. They share special pictures, keepsakes, and moments that help them understand what their grandparents were like before their memories were lost. Alzheimer’s has touched our families in ways we would never wish upon anyone. It was, and remains, a challenge to explain to our own children what is happening to their grandparents. As we navigate these conversations we have focused on the memories, traditions, or important items that our children can keep to remember who their grandparents were before Alzheimer’s. It is my deep hope that this book provides comfort to those struggling with these same conversations. We are all memory keepers. “When Grandpa and Mimi lost their memories, we promised to remember for them.” -The Memory Keepers